The LaGG-3By Bob PearsonThe profile depicts an aircraft of the 44 IAP in the Leningrad area, probably in the early spring of 1942. "White 15" is clearly a very early machine, possibly of the first several series. It appears to be a five-gun model LaGG-3, and has had its sliding canopy removed (as seemed to be quite common in the 44 IAP). The pilot of this aircraft is unknown, but the photograph was found in the possession of the brother (Andrei) of the 44 IAP's (11 GIAP) leading ace, Alexandr Savushkin. The aircraft is finished in dark green and black/green uppersurfaces and blue undersurfaces, with stars on the rudder and bottom of the wings only. Thanks to Erik Pilawskii and Matt Bittner for their help in this profile |