The Pfalz Flugzeugwerke A.G.
Pfalz Flugzeugwerke was started by the three Everbusch brothers to
build aircraft under license for the Bavarian government. Prior to the
start of WW1 they acquired the rights to various Morane-Saulnier designs
and later Roland. With the knowledge gained using other peoples designs
they embaked on their own in late 1916.

D.III 4011/17
Ltn Fritz Hohn
Jasta 21s
With the lessons learnt building Roland D.IIs under license, Pfalz
was introduced to the construction of wooden fuselages that would be
a feature of all their subsequent designs. The first of which was the
robust Pfalz D.III, arguably the handsomest aircraft of WW1.
I have some really cool photos of Hohn beside this aircraft holding
a teddy bear !!! HE later used basically the same markings on a D.IIIa.
The b/w stripe behind the cockpit is the Jasta 21s marking, the rest
are his personal markings.

Vzfw Max Holtzem
Jasta 16b
One complaint pilots had with the Pfalz D.III was access to the machine
guns which were buried under the forward decking. The D.IIIa rectified
this by moving them to the 'usual' position on the decking in front
of the pilot. The tailplane area was also increased.
Seen here is one of the more striking designs carried by German fighters
during WW1. Holztem also had a similar design on his later Fokker D.VII.
I have many other interesting Pfalz markings to show, but they must
wait on the publicatiion of the FMP book first.

Pfalz D.VIII
Ltn Paul Baumer
Jasta Boelcke
August 1918
With a phenomenal climb the Pfalz D.VIII sadly never lived up to its
potential due to the unproven and faulty Siemens-Halske contra-rotary
engine. This highly innovative engine featured the propellor and cylinders
both rotating around the crankshaft - but in oppostie directions - allowing
higher power for lower RPMs. However the ersatz oil used by the Germans
wasn't of a quality to allow this engine operate properly and it suffered
many failures in flight. Because of this very few D.VIIIs reached operational
One of the few D.VIIIs used was flown by Paul Baumer at Jasta Boelcke.
His D.VIII features the unit marking of a white/black tail and cowl.
As on his Fokker Dr.I, Baumer had the national colours of red/white/black
around the fuselage. Note the four-bladed propellor on this aircraft.
This was in fact two two-bladed props bolted together. Contest judges
take note .. this is correct, and not a builder's mistake.

Dr.I 3050/17
The Pfalz Dr.I was yet one more attempt to develop an aircraft capable
of a fast climb to intercept Allied aircraft. AS with the D.VII/VIII,
the Dr.I was saddled with the unproven Siemens-Halske Sh.III rotary
and less then a dozen entered front-line service. That seen here was
test-flown by Manfred von Richthofen at the Adlershof fighter competition
in January 1918.

Jasta 23b
November 1918
Contemporary to, and in somes ways superior to, the Fokker D.VII, the
Pfalz D.XII was nonetheless considered the less attractive option by
those tasked to fly it. Its main fame for most stems from its usage
in many WW1 aviation movies - notably 'Wings'.
That shown here has been profiled by others, however it is Greg Van
Wyngarden's opinion that the band was more likely yellow/black then
the previously depicted light bue/black.

Pfalz D.XV
The final Pfalz design was the D.XIVf, however none had reached the
front by the Armistice.
Forthcoming book on Pfalz, to be published by Flying
Machines Press
Various Datafiles on the D.III, D.IIIa, D.XII