Steve McKenzie did his model as
HMCS Rosthern and has this to say "I have attached photos of the
short forecastle corvette K169 HMCS Rosthern. If you wish to post them.
She runs great, I am using a surplus motor that originally cost 98 cents
(Canadian). The photos were taken by Peter Ziobrowski and its his Corvette
HMCS Buctouche (a work in progress) in the pictures showing the two together
on the pond in Ottawa.

A quick prop change, one advantage of the club is there is always a
number of guys willing to experiment with prop swaps etc. Here we are
removing a 35 mm prop to try a 40 mm I think it runs better with the smaller
prop. The motor as I mentioned is nice running one found in a surplus
shop probably about a 300 size. She runs nice on the water.
Thought you might find these interesting they show my Corvette K169
HMCS Rosthern and Peter Ziobrowski's HMCS Buctouch on the hunt for Ted
Scrivens exceptional U889 a Type IXC/40 which surrenderred to the Canadian
Navy May 13, 1945. She was then commissioned into the Royal Canadian Navy
and operated until turned over to the Americans.. the photos were taken
the Rideau Nautical Modellers recent outing in Ottawa. We actually were
lucky enough to have had three corvettes and two U boats present. No sinkings
we're glad to report.