178 BOLD BLACK are new profiles
124 BOLD BLUE are revised/updated
- Aviatik 30.24 Triplane
- Gotha G.IV(LVG)
101-1 08.12
- Lloyd 40.08 Triplane Lloyd_4008 bomber prototype
- Lloyd 40.15 Triplane Lloyd_4015 fighter prototype
- Lohner 111.04 Triplane Lohner_11104 fighter prototype
- WKF 80.05 Triplane WKF_8005 fighter prototype
- Flik 101 Added
- Aviatik 30.24 Triplane added
- Gotha G.IV Added
- Lloyd 40.08 Triplane bomber added
- Lloyd 40.15 Triplane fighter added
- Lohner 111.04 Triplane added
- WKF 80.05 Triplane added
- Gotha GL.IX Gotha_GL-01
- Gotha GL added
- Felixstowe F.2A Chile-01
- Breguet BrV 3W-16 9179
Larger image
- Breguet BrV 3W-21 9196 Larger image
- Bristol F2b 11-2 A7288 updated
- Bristol F2b 88-1 F4442 ACMF updated
- Bristol F2b 139-6 D8078
- Bristol M.1B 111-1 A5141
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Bristol M.1B 111-5 A5140
- Bristol M.1C 72-1 top
view added
- Bristol M.1C 150-1 C4912
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Bristol M.1C 1SAF-1 C4960
with top view
- Bristol M.1C 1SAF-2 C4940
Stripes with top view
- Bristol M.1C 1SAF-3 C4940
red cowl with top view
- Bristol M.1C 1SAF-4 C5014
red lattice with top view
- Bristol M.1C 2SAF-1 C4995
r/w/b checks
- Bristol M.1C Bristol_M1C-top Generic
top view
- Curtiss H12 Convert FNAS-14
8661 hull/tail of F2A, wings of H12
- deHavilland DH2 24-2 Watercolour
replaced by computer profile
- deHavilland DH5 64-1 Watercolour replaced
by computer profile
- Felixstowe F.2A FNAS-3
N4490 Watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Felixstowe F.2A FNAS-4 Updated
- Felixstowe F.2A FNAS-8
N4087 updated
- Felixstowe F.2A FNAS-8
N4099 Watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Felixstowe F.2A FNAS-9
- Felixstowe F.2A GYNAS-1
N4283 updated
- Felixstowe F.2A GYNAS-4
Leckie #4 updated
- Felixstowe F.2A
KNAS-1 N4465
- Felixstowe F.2A
KNAS-2 N408
- Martinsyde Elephant 27-6
- Morane-Saulnier BB 3-1 Watercolour replaced
by computer profile. Cowl changed from red to black
- Morane-Saulnier N 60-8 Watercolour
replaced by computer profile
RAF BE2c 2-3 watercolour replaced
by computer profile
RAF BE2c 4-1 1701 updated
RAF BE2c 5-2 2742 updated
RAF BE2c 6-2 1671 updated
top view added
RAF BE2c 7-2 2750 updated
RAF BE2c 8-5 2611 Ball
RAF BE2c 9-3 2508 updated
RAF BE2c 12-1 2502 updated
RAF BE2c 12-2 2546 updated
RAF BE2c 12-3 4128 updated
RAF BE2c 13-1 2535 updated
RAF BE2c Eastchurch-2 10000 Blackburn-built
RAF BE2c WhitleyBay-1 1099 early
RAF BE2c RAF_BE2c-01 early generic
top view
RAF BE2c RAF_BE2c-01
mid generic top view
RAF BE2c RAF_BE2c-03
PC10 generic top view
RAF BE2c RAF_BE2c-04
RNAS generic top view
RAF BE2e 9-1 7196 Generic watercolour
replaced by computer profile of a specific machine
RAF BE2e 10-4 A2830 updated
RAF BE2e 34-1 5836 watercolour replaced
by computer profile top view added
RAF BE2e 34-3 7086 updated C:.:
RAF BE2e 50-3 Nightfighter
RAF BE2e 52-4 2556
RAF BE2e 53-1 7240 updated
RAF BE2e 100-3 5844 night bomber
RAF BE2f 10-2 2567 updated
RAF BE12 RAF_BE12-02 1697 BE12 prototype
September 1915
RAF BE12 RAF_BE12-03 1697 BE12 prototype
Winter 1915/16
RAF BE12 RAF_BE12-04 6543
RAF BE12 19-8 B6180 updated
- RAF BE12 36-1
RAF BE12 50-1 6146
RAF BE12 77-1 6655
RAF BE12a 50-2 A582
RAF BE12a Exp-4 A562
watercolour replaced by computer profile
RAF FE2b 11-7 4290 updated
RAF FE2b 20-3 6388 updated
RAF FE2b 20-6 6359
22-1 A857 watercolour
replaced by computer profile
RAF FE2b 22-6 4883
23-4 4852 updated
RAF FE2b 23-10 A5449
25-1 6341 updated
100-2 A5650 Jess updated
RAF FE2b 100-4 A5478
RAF FE2b RAF_FE2b-01 generic
top view early
RAF FE2b RAF_FE2b-02 generic
top view late
RAF FE2b RAF_FE2b-03 generic
view mid
20-2 A39 Acrylic replaced by computer
RAF FE2d 20-4 A9
RAF FE2d 20-5 A27
RAF FE2d 25-6 A6378
- RAF SE5 56-1 A4855 watercolour
replaced by computer profile
- RAF SE5 56-7
A4563 watercolour replaced
by computer profile
- RAF SE5 56-11
A8920 watercolour replaced by computer profile
- RAF SE5 56-13
B Flight
- RAF SE5 56-14
C Flight
- RAF SE5 56-14
A8913 Muspratt
RAF SE5 56-16 A4563 Rhys-Davids
RAF SE5 56-17 A8918
RAF SE5 56-18 A4850
- RAF SE5 60-3
A Flight watercolour replaced by computer
RAF SE5 60-4 A8898 watercolour
replaced by computer profile
- RAF SE5 60-12
A8936 Bishop
- RAF SE5 60-13
C Flight
RAF SE5a 24-5 B891 updated
- RAF SE5a 40-2
D213 updated
RAF SE5a 40-4 B189 watercolour
replaced by computer profile
- RAF SE5a 40-6 B875 updated
RAF SE5a 41-2 Watercolour replaced
by computer profile
RAF SE5a 56-2 B595 Watercolour replaced
by computer profile
RAF SE5a 56-8 Watercolour replaced
by computer profile
RAF SE5a 56-9 B514 Watercolour replaced
by computer profile
RAF SE5a 56-12 B502 updated
RAF SE5a 84-1 B826 watercolour replaced
by computer profile
RAF SE5a 85-1 D6933 updated
RAF SE5a 111-4 updated
- Short Bomber 3W-22
Larger image
Short Bomber 3W-23 Larger
- Sopwith Baby SDF-1
Phyllis acrylic replaced
by computer
Sopwith Baby SDF-2 Bitem
acrylic replaced by computer
Sopwith Camel 54-5 B5417 updated
Sopwith Camel 54-5 E7167
Sopwith Camel 203-5 B6378 watercolour replaced
by computer profile
Sopwith Camel 208-2 Two-seater covnersion
watercolour replaced by computer
- Sopwith Camel 208-4 D1845 updated
Sopwith Camel 3N-14 B3891 updated
Sopwith Camel 8N-15 B3921 updated
- Sopwith Pup 46-7 B1795 Bird
- Sopwith Pup 66-2
Sopwith Pup 3N-2 N6183 Mildred H Watercolour
replaced by computer profile
- Sopwith Pup 3N-20 N6171
Black Arrow
Sopwith Pup 3N-21 N6172 Black Tulip
- Sopwith Pup 3N-22 N6181
Happy w/top view
Sopwith Pup 3N-23 N6162 "I WONDER"
Sopwith Pup 3N-24 N6207 Black Bess
Sopwith Pup 3N-25 N6205 Betty
- Sopwith
Pup 4N-2 D0-D0 Watercolour replaced by
computer profile
- Sopwith Pup 8N-18 Binky II
- Sopwith Pup Furious-3 N6453 EH Dunning
Sopwith Pup Furious-4 N6438 Excuse Me!
- Sopwith Pup Walmer-1 9947
Watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Sopwith Pup Walmer-2 N6442 Julia
- Sopwith Pup Sop_Pup-01 Union Jack
- Sopwith Strutter
43-3 Watercolour replaced by computer
Sopwith Strutter 43-7 A1052 updated
Sopwith Strutter 45-1 Watercolour
replaced by computer profile
Sopwith Strutter 45-2 Watercolour
replaced by computer profile
Sopwith Strutter 3W-1 9660 Acrylic
replaced by computer
- Sopwith Strutter 3W-2 9733 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-3 N5116 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-4 N5107 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-5 N5106 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-6 9730 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-7 9669 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-8 9722 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-9 N5098 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-10 ac22 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-11 9738 updated
- Sopwith Strutter
3W-12 9739 updated and photo of Redpath
Sopwith Strutter 3W-13 Blue X updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-14 N5091 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-15 9407 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-17 N5088 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-18 9742 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-19 N5094 updated
Sopwith Strutter 3W-20 9657 updated
Sopwith Strutter 5W-1
replaced by computer
Sopwith Strutter FSqn-1 Watercolour replaced
by computer
- No.36(HD)Sqn added
No.50(HD)Sqn added
No.77(HD)Sqn added
- No.1 School of Air Fighting
No.2 School of Air Fighting
- NAS Whitley Bay added
- Nieuport 29 81-6 12422 Greyhound ca.1926
- AEG C.IVn AEG_CIVn C.1042/16
- AEG D.I 14-14 Hohndorf's 4400/17
- AEG Dr.I AEG_DrI Triplane Prototype
- AEG G.IVk AEG_GIVk-01 G.500/18
- AEG G.IVk AEG_GIVk-02 G.503/18
- AEG J.I FAA208-3 Margo
- AEG J.I S26-03 Flames
- AEG J.I AEG_JI-01 154/17
- AEG J.I AEG_JI-02 203/17
- AEG J.I AEG_JI-03 236/17
- AEG J.I AEG_JI-04 502/17
- AEG N.I FAA209-02 Triangle
- AEG N.I AEG_NI-02 139/17
- AEG N.I AEG_NI-03 9389/16
- AEG N.I AEG_NI-04 9417/16
- Albatros D.II 2-28 MvR
- Albatros D.III 11-1 MvR 789/16
watercolour replaced by computer
- Albatros D.IX Alb_DIX D.IX 2204/18
- Albatros D.X Alb_DX D.X 2206/18
- Albatros D.XI Alb_DXI D.XI 2208/18
- Albatros D.XII Albatros_DXII D.XII
- Albatros Dr.I Alb_DrI-1 D.Va
- Albatros Dr.II Alb_DrII-1 Second
triplane design
- Albatros J.I FA238-1
formerly V-9. 415/17 with top view
- Albatros J.I FAA293-1 421/17
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-01 706/17
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-02 738/17
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-03 758/17
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-04 769/17
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-05 'H'
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-06 'L'
- Albatros J.I V-9 reassigned
as FA238-1
- Albatros J.II Alb_JII-02 camouflage
- Aviatik D.VI Aviatik_D6-1 prototype
- Aviatik D.VII Aviatik_D7-1 prototype
- Brandenburg KDW SFSA-01 Hammer 748
- Brandenburg KDW SFSW-01 1562
- Brandenburg KDW Brandenburg_KDW-01 921
- Daimler L.11 Daimler_L11-1 prototype
- Dornier D.I Dornier_DI-1 1751/18 (Ersatz)
- Dornier D.I Dornier_DI-2 1752/18
- Fokker V.29 Fokker_V29 monoplane version of D.VII
- Gotha LE3 Taube Gotha_LE3-01
- Gotha G.I Gotha_GI-1 42/15 Feodora
- Gotha G.III KG2-1 watercolour
replaced by computer
- Gotha G.III KG2-2 watercolour
replaced by computer
- Gotha G.III KG2-3 watercolour
replaced by computer
- Gotha G.III KG2-8 Triangle downed by Guynemer
- Gotha G.IV KG3-5 Larger image
with additional information
- Gotha G.III KG3-7 Chevrons
- Gotha G.IV KG3-9 a/c 7
- Gotha G.IV KG3-10 408/16 HG
- Gotha G.IV KG3-11 524/16 Brandenburg
- Gotha G.IV KG3-12 408/16 Hawk emblem
- Gotha G.IV(LVG) KG3-13 Horn emblem
- Gotha G.IV(LVG) Ks16-1 Watercolour
profile replaced by computer
- Gotha G.V KG3-14 925/16 Pommern
- Gotha G.V KG3-15 979/16 FST
- Gotha G.V Ks17-1 Watercolour profile
replaced by computer
- Gotha G.V Gotha_GV-01 5 Three black balls
- Gotha G.Va Gotha_GVa-01 723/17 Dragon
- Gotha G.Vb Gotha_GV-01b 917/18 Hessan-Nassau
- Gotha GL.VII Gotha_GL7-01 300/18
- Gotha GL.VIII Gotha_GL8-01 307/18
- Junkers J.I FAA208-4
- Junkers J.I FA221-2 134/17 Schrieber's PLM aircraft
- Junkers J.I FAA250-2 101/17 service test
- Junkers J.I Junkers_JI-01 115/17
- Junkers J.I Junkers_JI-02 586/18
- Junkers J.I Junkers_JI-03 596/18
- Junkers J.I Junkers_JI-04 502/17
- Junkers J.I Junkers_JI-05 819/17
- Junkers J.7/3 Junkers_J7-1 Third version
- Junkers J.7/4 Junkers_J7-2 Fourth version
- Junkers J.9-I Junkers_J9-1 short fuselage
- Junkers D.I Junkers_DI-1 5180/18 long fuselage
- Kondor D.II Kondor_D2
- Kondor D.VI Kondor_D6
- Kondor E.IIIa Kondor_E3a Monoplane
- Pfalz A.I FA9-5 P.23
- Pfalz A.I FA9-6 P.43
- Pfalz A.I Pfalz_A-1 P.2
- Pfalz A.II Pfalz_A.II-1 P.61
- Pfalz D.III 4-13 fuselage ribbon and red tail with white
polka dots
- Pfalz D.III 10-9
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Pfalz D.III 15-3
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Pfalz D.III 18-5 red nose
- Pfalz D.III 22-1
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Pfalz D.III 22-2
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Pfalz D.III Pfalz_D3-Triplane
Triplane prototype
- Pfalz D.IIIa JGII-3 red
nose brightened S
- Pfalz D.IIIa 15-24
Reassigned as 18-16
- Pfalz D.IIIa 16-6
revised Roth
- Pfalz D.IIIa 16-14 b/w stripes
- Pfalz D.IIIa 18-16
red nose brightened Buttlar hunting horn background changed. Reassigned
from 15-224
- Pfalz D.IIIa 30-3
watercolour replaced by computer profile
- Pfalz D.IIIa 56-2 blue fuselage, yellow nose and tail
- Pfalz D.IIIa MFJ2-9
- Pfalz D.VI Pfalz_D6-1 Prototype
- Pfalz D.VIII 2-20 Baumer
photo and top view added
- Pfalz D.VIII 14-11
- Pfalz D.VIII 14-12
- Pfalz D.VIII 14-13
- Pfalz D.XII 32-14 Marchner 2525
- Pfalz D.XV Pfalz_DXV-01 Holtzem's
postwar red barnstormer
- Pfalz E.IV FA-9 Friedrich Grunzweig
- Pfalz E.IV Pfalz_EIV-01 b/w wheelcover
- Pfalz E.IV Pfalz_EIV-02 cross wheelcover
- Roland D.VIa 23-9 Kissenberth's Edelweiss
- Roland D.VIb Roland_DVI-1 6138/18 sprayed camo
- Roland D.XVI Roland_DXVI parasol prototype
- Rumpler D.I Ru_7D7-1
- Rumpler D.I Ru_7D7-2 w/n 4299
- Rumpler D.I Ru_8D1-1 1581/18
- Schutte-Lanz D.III SL_D3-1 prototype
- Schutte-Lanz Dr.I SL-1 Triplane prototype
- Siemens-Schuckert D.Dr.I SSW_DDr.I Pushpull triplane
- Siemens-Schuckert D.VI SSW_DVI-I parasol prototype
- Fl.Abt 238 added
- SFS Angernsee added
- SFS Wilhelmshaven added
- AEG D.I added
- AEG Dr.I added
- AEG G.IVk added
- Albatros D.IX added
- Albatros D.X added
- Albatros D.XI added
- Albatros D.XII added
- Albatros Dr.I added
- Albatros Dr.II added
- Aviatik D.VI/VII added
- BFW N.I added
- Brandenburg KDW added
- Daimler L.11 added
- Dornier D.I (aka Zeppelin D.I) added
- Fokker V.29 added
- Gotha Taube added
- Gotha GL added
- Junkers J.7/J.9/D.I added
- Pfalz D.VI added
- Roland D.XVI added
- Rumpler D.I added
- Sablatnig N.I added
- Schutte-Lanz D.III added
- Schutte-Lanz Dr.I added
- Siemens-Schuckert D.Dr.I added
- Siemens-Schuckert D.VI added
- Albatros J.I Alb_JI-01 Smok
- Sopwith Camel 7-4 Kosciuszko
- AR 1 1-2 a/c 5
- AR 2 12-3 604 a/c12
- Caudron R.11 96-5 6534 A1
- Curtiss H-16 Curtiss_H16-1 K29 NAS Killingholme
- Felixstowe F.2A KNAS-01
N4082 'Old Blackeye I'
- LePere LUSAC-11 LUSAC-1
- SIA 7B1 SIA-2 5905
- Sopwith Camel 17-3 Vaughn
- SPAD XIII 94-17 Jeffers
fullsize views corrected
- Curtiss H-16 added